Kevin Jensen
Family Law
Jensen Family Law in Mesa AZ
3740 E Southern Ave suite 210
Mesa, Arizona 85206
United States
About Kevin Jensen
As female divorce attorneys in Mesa, Jensen Family Law in Mesa AZ knows that one of the most important issues facing divorcing spouses is the issue of child support. Most people think of child support as the amount of money one parent pays to the other parent to help financially support the children, but this is only part of the equation. Parents have a legal obligation to financially support their children. Child support in Arizona is determined using Arizona’s Child Support Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework for determining a monthly monetary obligation that one parent pays to the other to ease the financial burden associated with caring for the children. There are several factors that are considered in determining who pays child support and how much. However, the two factors that most heavily influence the amount of child support that is to be paid are the income of the parties and the amount of parenting time each parent has. The first step in determining how much child support you should pay or receive is figuring out what your net income is by taking your gross income and subtracting any expenses that are necessary to live such as taxes, health insurance premiums, mortgage, or rent payments (if applicable), food costs and utilities costs (if applicable). You should include any money you spend on other things such as entertainment or recreation. Besides child support lawyers, we also provide the best to ease the process.
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Mesa, Arizona 85206
United States