Nerve Damage After A Car Accident

Car accidents not only inflict financial and emotional strain but can also result in severe physical injuries. One such injury that may occur is nerve damage, which can manifest in a variety of ways and can have significant impacts on an individual’s quality of life. It is crucial to be informed about the nature and implications of nerve damage and to be aware that legal recourse may be available. Should a victim of a car accident sustain nerve damage, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a qualified Florida car accident attorney without delay. 

How Does The Nervous System Operate?

The nervous system is a vital component of the human body, responsible for a wide range of functions including muscle movement, speech, and various involuntary and semi-voluntary physiological processes. Compromised primarily of the brain and spinal cord, the nervous system is composed of three distinct types of nerves: 

  • Autonomic

  • Motor

  • Sensory

Autonomic nerves regulate functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion, while motor nerves transmit signals from the brain to the spinal cord to the muscles, which control movement. Sensory nerves, located beneath the skin and muscles, transmit information to the brain and spinal cord, enabling the processing of sensations and feelings. 

Given the crucial role that the nervous system plays in the body, damage to nerves can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall quality of life. 

What Is Considered Nerve Damage?

Nerve damage, otherwise known as neuropathy, is a condition that can result from various causes including stretching or compression of nerves, or complete severance of nerves due to injury. Other potential causes include infection or exposure to toxins. Nerve damage can manifest in multiple areas of the body, with common sites of occurrence including the back, neck, and extremities. 

Treatment options for nerve damage may include medication, physical therapy, or even surgical intervention. It is crucial to seek medical attention promptly following a car accident to assess the potential for nerve damage and initiate appropriate treatment. Failure to promptly address nerve damage can result in long-term complications and impede recovery. 

Common Causes Of Nerve Damage In Car Accidents 

Due to the danger and severity of car accidents, nerve damage is a common consequence. There are a number of common causes of nerve damage in car accidents, including:

  • Lacerations

  • Whiplash

  • Blunt force trauma

Car accidents can cause nerve damage to the body because of the force and trauma they produce. The effects of a car accident may not always be evident immediately afterward. 

The immediate examination of nerve damage after a car accident is another important reason to seek medical attention. Even if the victim is not aware of nerve damage, their doctor may be able to diagnose it. 

Signs & Symptoms Of Nerve Damage After A Car Accident

There are a number of unexpected ways in which nerve damage can present itself following a car accident. The symptoms experienced by an individual after a car accident will be determined by the type of nerves affected and what type they are. A number of signs and symptoms are associated with damage to autonomic nerves, including:

  • Dry eyes or mouth

  • Bladder dysfunction

  • Inability to feel chest pain

  • Sexual dysfunction 

  • Lightheadedness

Motor nerve damage can cause the following signs and symptoms:

  • Paralysis

  • Weakness

  • Twitching

Sensory nerve damage is characterized by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Tingling

  • Pain

  • Numbness

  • Burning sensations

There are instances in which a person who has been involved in a car accident may experience a combination of symptoms, indicating damage to multiple types of nerves. For a proper diagnosis of nerve damage, it is imperative that victims discuss any signs and symptoms they are experiencing with their physician. 

What Kind Of Compensation Can Nerve Damage Victims Expect?

Victims may be entitled to compensation if they have suffered nerve damage as a result of an automobile accident. Damages can be sought in two different forms: economic and noneconomic.

There is a clear and quantifiable aspect of economic damages compared to others. Compensation for economic damages includes the following:

  • Past and future lost wages

  • Loss of earning ability

  • Past and future medical bills

Nevertheless, calculating noneconomic damages can be a little tricky. Among these are compensations for:

  • Mental and emotional anguish

  • Pain and suffering

  • Loss of enjoyment of life

  • Loss of consortium

There is little to no supporting documentation for noneconomic damages because they are typically awarded for emotional stress. Fortunately, a car accident lawyer will calculate the damages a victim can recover, fighting aggressively to ensure the victim receives the compensation they deserve for their accident and injuries

What Affects The Amount Of Compensation A Victim Gets?

Compensation may be affected by a number of factors. These factors typically include:

  • Insurance company’s willingness to settle

  • The severity of the injuries

  • Whether or not the victim shares fault in the accident

Do I Need A Car Accident Attorney For Car Accident Nerve Damage?

Even though there is no law requiring a victim to have legal representation following a car accident, it is in their best interest to have a car accident attorney on their side. There can be challenges involved in cases of car accidents involving severe injuries such as nerve damage, but an attorney will be able to guide a victim through the process. Additionally, a attorney will:

  • Collect evidence and documentation of injuries

  • Conduct an investigation into the cause of the accident 

  • Calculate the monetary value of all damages

  • Negotiate for the victim in settlement negotiations

Having a Florida car accident on their side makes it easier for victims to focus on their recovery.