Jurisdiction Issues to Consider If you Slip and Fall on Vacation in Florida

Nobody likes to think about being in an accident while you’re on vacation – but as the saying goes, “accidents happen” and as a major tourist destination, slip and fall accidents in Florida happen quite frequently.  If you’re from out of state, you may need to hire a lawyer local to the business or entity that was negligent and at fault for your accident.  If you are on a cruise that left from Florida, there are even more complex elements when it comes to jurisdiction – and a maritime or cruise ship accident lawyer may need to be brought in to help navigate some complicated waters. 

Jurisdiction Considerations After a Slip and Fall Accident in Florida

In Florida, jurisdiction for a slip and fall accident boils down to whether the court has authority over the defendant (the party who is at fault for the accident). If you were here on vacation and had a slip and fall accident at a theme park, hotel, airport, or other attraction – these are the things to consider when it comes to determining jurisdiction for your case: 

  • Accident Happened in Florida: This is good news. Since the slip and fall occurred in Florida, courts there generally have jurisdiction over the defendant, assuming they are also in Florida (residence or business).

  • Out-of-State Defendant:  Things get a bit more complex if the responsible party (property owner, store manager, etc.) is not in Florida.  Florida has a "long-arm statute" that allows courts to assert jurisdiction in certain circumstances, even over out-of-state defendants. This might apply if the defendant:

    • Does business in Florida (has a store or office there).

    • Caused the dangerous condition through actions outside of Florida, but it resulted in your injury within the state.

A slip and fall attorney can help you navigate the specifics of your situation and determine if Florida has jurisdiction. 

On A Cruise Ship And Slip And Fall? Jurisdiction Gets A Bit More Tricky 

Cruise ship slip and fall accidents involve a unique jurisdictional situation because these vessels travel internationally.  Slip and fall accidents on cruise ships are quite common – rough seas, inclement weather, and moving decks can cause furniture to move or water to pool in outside areas.  Tripping over furniture, obstacles, or slipping in spills or pooled water can cause injuries to cruise ship guests.  When it comes to jurisdiction for these injuries – here are a few things to consider: 

  • Maritime Law:  Generally, personal injury claims on cruise ships fall under maritime law, a complex body of federal laws and international treaties governing the operation of vessels at sea.

  • Location of the Accident:  If your slip and fall happened on the cruise ship in international waters (not docked in any country), then maritime law applies.  This means the lawsuit would likely be filed in federal court.

  • Forum Selection Clauses:  Most cruise line tickets contain clauses specifying the forum (court) where lawsuits must be filed.  These clauses often favor the cruise line, designating a specific court, frequently far from where the passenger resides.

  • International Treaties:  The Athens Convention, an international treaty ratified by many countries (including the US), governs liability for passenger injuries on cruise ships.  However, it does not apply to voyages solely between US ports.

It's important to consult a maritime lawyer or cruise ship accident lawyer.  They can analyze the specifics of your case, including:

  • Where the accident happened (international waters or within a country's territorial waters)

  • The cruise line's flag of registration (country where the ship is registered)

  • The forum selection clause in your ticket

  • Whether the Athens Convention applies

The cruise ship accident lawyer will be familiar with these case types and can then advise you on the most appropriate jurisdiction for filing a lawsuit and the applicable laws that might affect your claim.

Steps To Take If You Trip, Slip, Or Fall While On Vacation in Florida

Here are some steps you can take if you’re injured while on vacation in Florida, or if you’re injured while cruising from a Florida port.  These tips are good advice if involved in any accident – but are specifically important when jurisdiction and fault may be in question. 

  1. Seek Medical Attention:Get medical attention immediately at the ship's medical center or a nearby medical center if you’re on land. This creates a record of your injury and the date it occurred. Request copies of all medical records and reports for your reference and potential legal claims.

  2. Report the Incident:File an accident report with the hotel, theme park, airport, or cruise line as soon as possible. This report should detail the incident, your injuries, and any witnesses.

  3. Document Everything:If you are able, take pictures of the scene of the accident, including the hazard that caused your injury and any visible injuries you have.  If you have family or friends with you, ask them to document the scene if you cannot.  If there were witnesses, gather their names and contact information.  Keep all documents related to the trip, location of the accident, hotel stay, flight, or cruise, including your ticket, boarding pass, and daily itinerary.

While a slip and fall accident can put a damper on your vacation, following these steps can help ensure you have a record of the incident and explore your legal options.  Remember, if jurisdiction is complex, consulting with a slip and fall attorney specializing in personal injury or maritime law can be crucial in navigating your case and determining the best course of action.