



Protect Your Rights in a Staged Auto Collision – Here’s How!

After an accident, you have the right to file for a claim with the insurance companies, as the San Diego insurance law states. However, there have been situations where a new form of fraud has been detected: staged auto collisions. This is designed to exploit unsuspecting drivers and establish false insurance claims to gain a considerable amount.

In this situation, it has been seen that scammers create accidents, and intentionally innocent drivers fall into a trap. The worst part is that the victim has to bear a high insurance premium and legal constraints for a long time. So, let’s learn what your first steps should be when you face such a scam and how to prevent it.

Organized fender benders are more normal than you might suspect in San Diego and Southern California. These accidents are a kind of protection misrepresentation. In the event that you are a casualty of an organized accident, you really want to understand how to safeguard yourself from a counterfeit case being recorded against you. A San Diego fender bender legal counselor can assist you with safeguarding your right to pay for any wounds and property harms you might have endured.

Organized car crashes are a developing issue across the US, with fraudsters focusing on clueless drivers to capitalize on misleading protection claims. These fake plans put drivers in danger as well as contribute fundamentally to rising protection costs, costing billions in deceitful cases every year.

An organized auto crash is one where at least one drivers deliberately make the disaster area all together record a case with the genuine casualty’s insurance agency. They cause it to create the impression that the guiltless imprint was the careless driver.

It is essential to figure out the kinds of organized auto collisions so you know whether you are in one.

Types of Staged Auto Accidents

A staged auto accident is a tactic that helps scammers blame the victim and get a massive claim through fraudulent allegations. The scammers use a few common tactics to stage auto crashes and trap innocent drivers, such as:

  • Swoop and Stop

In this scenario, the scammer would suddenly appear in front of your vehicle and put the brakes on, forcing you to force-stop the car, which would result in a rear-end collision.

In a dip and stop trick, a driver in front will unexpectedly bang on their brakes. The casualty is much of the time confined by different drivers engaged with the trick so they can’t steer to keep away from a backside crash.

A beginning and-stop trick frequently happens in weighty rush hour gridlock. The person in front would speed up with the goal that the casualty in the back does as well. Then, at that point, they would ram on their brakes and cause the clueless casualty to stir things up around town end of their vehicle.

  • Panic Stop

You might find that the vehicle in front of you slams its brakes unexpectedly, catching you off guard, bringing the car to a halt, and causing a car accident.

In a dip and stop trick, a driver in front will unexpectedly bang on their brakes. The casualty is much of the time confined by different drivers engaged with the trick so they can’t steer to keep away from a backside crash.

  • Wave-In Collision

You might find a driver waving at you to merge or turn the car, but their actual intention is to hit you and make it look like an accident that occurred due to your fault.

In a wave-in trick, a driver waves a difficult in a casualty to move to another lane and afterward deliberately advances to strike their auto. They will then, at that point, deny forgoing the driver in and will guarantee that the casualty made a hazardous path change.

  • Dual Driver Setup

Another common scammer is when you find a car in front of you, and a second car blocks your way out. Thus, you cannot determine the escape route, leading to a collision.

Steps to Take After a Staged Accident

After the accident, you need to take the below mentioned steps:

  • Call the Police

If you find yourself a victim of a staged auto accident, you must inform the local police immediately. The officer in charge will create a report that objectively contains all the details about the accident. If you suspect it to be a fraud case or trace any suspicious behavior or actions, inform the officer, and they will conduct a thorough investigation.

  • Document the Scene

Based on the guidance of your car accident lawyer San Diego, take photographs and videos of the entire accident scene, including the vehicles involved, road conditions, weather, injury, and any visible sign of damage to the property. It would help if you also recorded the license plates, how the cars were positioned during the accident, and nearby traffic signs. You must have a detailed set of documents to argue the fraudulent claims and show the facts.

  • Gather Witness Information

If you can find any eye witness, it would be beneficial, as independent witnesses can provide unbiased accounts of the incident. They can also support your case and testify whether the accident was staged.

Continuously know about your environmental elements and drive protectively. Try not to get occupied with your wireless or travelers, and never rear end different vehicles.

After a mishap, take heaps of photos of the scene from all points. Ensure you get photographs of the other driver, their tag, and the harm to the two vehicles. Your phone camera will function admirably.
Keep a pen and paper in your vehicle consistently and take notes or utilize your phone voice recorder following the mishap, while everything is still new in your brain. Record an overall portrayal of the other driver, any subtleties you recall, as well as any impressions you might have.

Call the police and get a report after a car crash, regardless of whether it’s minor. Ensure you get a duplicate of the police report, and circle back to the official.

Report all mishaps to your insurance agency, and never settle for cash on the spot. On the off chance that you think a mishap was arranged, you can report it to the NICB.


When discussing the accident scene, you should be cautious, as scammers can use anything you have said against you to justify their fraudulent claims. Thus, you can hire an experienced auto accident lawyer who would argue the statements placed by the scammers. They can also represent you in court to protect your rights if required.