Common Issues With Same Sex Divorces

While marriage and divorce can be challenging for any couple, the landscape for same-sex marriage and same sex divorce in Texas presents its own distinct set of obstacles. In 2015, a historic moment arrived when the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Obergefell v. Hodges case, mandated that Texas and all other states recognize same-sex marriages. As they exchanged vows, couples throughout the state celebrated the acquisition of the legal privileges presented through marriage.

However, as time has passed, a different reality has emerged. Now, some of these same-sex couples find themselves navigating the complexities of divorce, and it has become evident that they face unique challenges in the process. The nuances of property division, child custody, and spousal support, among other aspects of divorce, can be especially intricate for same-sex couples in Texas, as they must grapple with evolving legal precedents and potential biases in the legal system. Consequently, while marriage and divorce are universally challenging, same-sex couples in Texas contend with their own set of issues that warrant careful consideration and legal expertise.

When confronted with the distinct challenges that arise in same-sex divorce cases, the most important course of action is to seek the guidance and support of a qualified Texas same-sex divorce lawyer. These legal professionals possess the expertise and experience necessary to navigate the intricacies of the law surrounding same-sex marriages and divorces in Texas. By enlisting their assistance, same sex couples can ensure that their rights are protected and that their unique circumstances are handled with the utmost care and within the bounds of the law, ultimately paving the way for a smoother and more equitable resolution to their divorce.

Division Of Property During Same Sex Divorce

The division of assets during a same sex divorce poses a notably intricate challenge for same-sex couples in Texas. While marriage licenses for gay couples became available only in 2015 in Texas, a considerable number of these couples had already established long-term relationships. In some cases, these marriages are long term with some spanning more than two decades, before formalizing their unions. When a divorce occurs, the court is confronted with the task of determining which assets qualify as marital property, a task that becomes considerably more intricate within the context of same-sex couples. 

Complications arise, such as whether only assets acquired during the legally recognized marriage should be considered or when precisely the court should designate assets as marital property, leading to a certain degree of ambiguity. This can prove burdensome, particularly for individuals who may have foregone career opportunities to fulfill parental roles or those who had jointly owned homes long before the official commencement of their marriage. 

Consequently, the division of property in same-sex divorces demands a meticulous examination of the distinctive circumstances of each couple, further emphasizing the essential role of legal expertise in achieving an equitable and just resolution to these complex matters.

Same Sex Divorce & Determining Spousal Support

Spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, can pose a unique challenge for same-sex couples going through a divorce in Texas, particularly when their relationship predates the legalization of same-sex marriage. 

In many respects, the legal framework for awarding spousal support to gay spouses mirrors that of heterosexual divorces. Typically, the duration of the marriage plays a significant role in determining whether one spouse is entitled to support and if the other possesses the financial capacity to provide it. 

However, complications arise when a couple's relationship spans many years before their legal marriage. The resolution of such cases can be uncertain, as judges wield significant discretion in deciding spousal support matters. Some judges might consider the entirety of the couple's relationship, including the premarital cohabitation period, when assessing the need for support. In this case, spouses may use common law marriage requirements to prove that even though the couple wasn’t legally married, they considered themselves to be. Thus proving that the marriage started before they were legally married in Texas. 

Conversely, other judges in Texas may limit their analysis solely to legal marriage. The result often depends on individual circumstances, and state laws grant judges the latitude to factor in any relevant aspects. Nevertheless, some courts have held that a lengthy premarital cohabitation does not necessarily establish a long-term marriage, further underscoring the intricate nature of spousal support determinations in same-sex divorce cases.

How Is Child Custody Affected During Same Sex Divorce?

Child custody arrangements in same-sex divorces can present unique challenges, particularly when legal parental rights are not uniformly established for both partners. When both ex-partners are recognized as legal parents, custody matters are resolved in a manner akin to heterosexual divorces. 

However, complexities arise when one spouse lacks legal parental rights. In such cases, a legal doctrine known as the psychological parenting doctrine comes into play. This doctrine prioritizes the child's best interests by ensuring they maintain a meaningful relationship with someone who assumed a parental role. To be considered a psychological parent, certain criteria must be met, including: 

  • Residing in the same household as the child

  • Obtaining consent from the child's legal parent for the formation of a parental relationship

  • Assuming responsibility for the child's upbringing, care, education, and financial support,

  • Maintaining a relationship long enough for the child to form a bonded, dependent connection 

In same-sex divorces, a partner lacking established parental rights can employ this doctrine to pursue custody. For example, if a second woman in a same-sex marriage fulfilled a parental role for her spouse's child over a substantial period, the psychological parenting doctrine could enable her to seek custody.

This legal concept can even apply to scenarios involving more than two parents, as demonstrated by recent cases where non-biological parents were awarded partial custody. Thus, determining child custody in same-sex divorces involves complex assessments of these factors and a focus on the child's well-being and relationships. To ensure that child custody is determined fairly and equitably during a same sex divorce, it is advisable for individuals to obtain the assistance of a Texas same sex divorce lawyer. 

Contact A Texas Same Sex Divorce Attorney 

Navigating a divorce is a challenging and often emotionally charged process, and for same-sex spouses in Texas, seeking the assistance of a specialized same-sex divorce attorney is highly advisable. Texas, like many other states, has unique legal considerations and potential hurdles when it comes to same-sex divorces. These complexities can encompass issues such as property division, spousal support, child custody, and more.

A knowledgeable same-sex divorce attorney in Texas will be well-versed in the specific legal nuances and evolving case law related to same-sex marriages and divorces. They can provide invaluable guidance in addressing these challenges, ensuring that your rights are protected, and helping you achieve a fair and equitable resolution. Additionally, a same-sex divorce attorney can offer sensitive and empathetic support, recognizing the distinctive emotional aspects that may arise in same-sex divorces. Overall, consulting with a specialized attorney in Texas is the best way for same-sex spouses to navigate the intricacies of divorce while safeguarding their interests and well-being.

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