Paul Young
Young, Marr & Associates
7909 Bustleton Ave First Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19152
About Paul Young
There are many reasons people find themselves in a situation where filing for bankruptcy can help them get a fresh start. Maybe it was a sickness. Maybe it was the loss of a job. Over the years, several famous successful athletes, entertainers, and business people had to do the same thing you may be thinking about – seek relief by filing with a Philadelphia bankruptcy lawyer at Young, Marr & Associates.
If you or someone you know is applying for or has been denied a social security disability application in Philadelphia, you should contact the Philadelphia disability lawyers of Young, Marr & Associates. Whether the SSDI is intended for you, your child, or your spouse, you’re likely experiencing a tough time making ends meet due to disability.
Foreclosure can be annoying, but a Philadelphia mortgage foreclosure attorney is there to help you understand it and achieve the best possible result. Foreclosures in Pennsylvania are usually final since there is no right to redeem or recover the property after the sale. You have to be proactive if your goal is to keep your home. The attorneys of Young Marr & Associates are skilled and experienced foreclosure lawyers with an unwavering commitment to helping you obtain the best results possible.
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Contact Details
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19152